9. Routes

Here is a link to the three current proposals from LGWM.

When we started thinking about potential routes for Suspension Monorail, our first thoughts were about what seems to be the core route –  between Wellington railway station and Wellington airport. #1 is the first map we drew up in 2019. Here are refined details for the City & Eastern Suburbs link in 2021.

However there are opportunities for later expansion, which we will progressively add here. These include the following possibilities, all of which would reliably reduce commuting time and thus encourage people away from using cars to using public transport:

  • Island Bay - in the news in April 2021
  • Karori  - said to be the fastest growing suburb in New Zealand. Think of the reduced carbon footprint from getting all those people out of cars, via SWIFT Suspension Rail link...
  • Newlands
  • and of course Brooklyn. This used to have trams long ago. Perhaps the powers-that-be would prefer to forget this line, which had one fatal accident from a runaway tram further up the hill (1907); and one car-vs-tram crash in Willis Street (1955)...!. See our pages about SAFETY and Light Rail Crashes for photos

...and more ambitious but of particular interest, in view of the impending risk of Global Warming causing sea level rise with periodic flooding at Petone/Lower Hutt as well as eventually disrupting the road, rail & cycle track links between Wellington railway station and the Hutt Valley...

  • Wellington waterfront to Petone, Lower Hutt & Upper Hutt?

..and in view of the lampooned 2021 advertisement of a development supposedly with ready access to a non-existent Wainuiomata Railway station (there were  assurances later that no such station is planned by Kiwirail)...

  • Wainuiomata ?                             Under_construction_animated