
Could this be Lambton Quay in 2025?...



Suspension Monorail has the S-factor...

Are you tired of endless debate in Wellington  - now more than 40 years old - over buses and  trams? In Wellington our buses already compete for road space with other users, so are affected by - or involved in - accidents and breakdowns that bring traffic to a standstill. They are also increasingly slowed down by the current push for lower road speeds, which would limit Mass ‘Rapid’ Transport such as trams.

Along with removing parking spaces and creating pedestrian malls, this push is a ‘stick’ to persuade people out of cars and into public transport. But why introduce a ‘stick’ without any ‘carrot’ in sight; and there seems to be no ‘carrot’ - even in the future. Choosing the inaccurate description ‘Light Rail’, creates an illusion... (see Tram Scam) which we predict will be an expensive failure, particularly for Island Bay.

There is a better option being ignored by Wellington authorities.

In 1900 a busy valley in Germany faced options for public transport that were severely limited, as are those for Wellington. They found a  solution that was so successful it has lasted more than 120 years..., and is increasingly being taken up in Asia.

A Suspension Monorail (SM) is truly rapid, needs no tunnels, and is not involved in - or affected by -  collisions at intersections. It can stick to favoured routes, and is unaffected by flooding. It is also compatible with (can share) a pedestrian mall for Lambton Quay, enhancing rather than impeding disabled access to shopping on the Golden Mile!

Why are we ignoring history, and seemingly doomed to repeat the same sad story which is already unfolding in Melbourne, Canberra  and now Sydney?...  a tram scam, posing as ‘Light Rail’

(we wanttruly SAFERSWIFTER and SURER.MRT... that can be here SOONER )


Intrigued? Read on. Better still, see for yourself. Click these two pictures, and perhaps visit our LINKS page, to view short videos about the suspension railway in Wuppertal, established since 1900. It was needed because even back then traffic was being funneled down a shared highway that was becoming increasingly congested. Trams and buses were not the answer - there was no space available on the roads. But a Suspension Railway could ignore the congestion below, posed no threat to vehicles and pedestrians, and did not have to negotiate ground-based traffic lights and intersections.

It  is still running, with 80,000 passengers daily and had a major upgrade in 2019.


Suspension Rail has caught on in Japan since the 1970s, and more recently there has been a surge of development in China and other countries. See our FAQs, especially the Precedents page.

There seems to be no future in claiming to Get Wellington Moving if that is about slower speed limits, pedestrian malls, and about trams being re-introduced and diverted off the favoured routes, as well as through unnecessary and costly tunnels.

So why is Let’s Get Wellington Moving blinkered?

Questions need to be asked. Please share this website with your contacts.

- The FASTR-Wellington team...

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